17 September 2011


समझ समझ के समझ को समझो
समझ समझना भी एक समझ है.
समझ समझ के जो न समझे ,मेरी समझ में वो न समझ है.

14 September 2011

“101 Motivational Quotes –Your Daily Dose of Motivation”.

The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and
actions show that he knows where he is going
Napoleon Hill
Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself
James Allen
The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss
it, but that it is too low and we reach it
Your life is in your hands, to make of it what you choose
John Kehoe
Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things,
but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave
their future in someone else's hands, but not you.
Jim Rohn
I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the
ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.
Anthony Robbins
101 Motivational Quotes
Quotes 7 – 12
The secret of getting ahead is getting started
Mark Twain
For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not
me? Why not now?
James Allen
Issue a blanket pardon. Forgive everyone who has ever hurt you in any way.
Forgiveness is a perfectly selfish act. It sets you free from the past
Brian Tracy
Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising up every time we fail
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for
something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how
really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with
your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savoured.
Earl Nightingale
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though
chequered by failure, than to take rank with those poor souls who neither
enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that
knows neither victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt
Quotes 13 – 18
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away
from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Mark Twain
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them
into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
Theodore Roosevelt
Fortune favours the brave.
Publius Terence
Quotes 19 - 24
Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?
Robert Browning
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -
that's why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar
Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a
keen pulsating desire, which transcends everything.
Napoleon Hill
People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they
can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of
Norman Vincent Peale
Men are born to succeed, not fail.
Henry David Thoreau
What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is
rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our
beliefs about who we are.
Anthony Robbins
Quotes 25 – 30
Every human has four endowments- self-awareness, conscience,
independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate
human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.
Stephen Covey
All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, Imagination is
the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into
accomplishment and wealth.
Napoleon Hill
There is just one life for each of us: our own.
If you believe in what you are doing, then let nothing hold you up in your
work. Much of the best work of the world has been done against seeming
Dale Carnegie
There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day.
Alexander Woollcott
All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what
their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day
toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.
Brian Tracy
Quotes 31 - 36
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is
prepared to die at any time.
Mark Twain
There are no accidents... there is only some purpose that we haven't yet
Deepak Chopra
They can because they think they can.
There are those who dream and wish and there are those who dream and
Jeune.E. McIntyre.
No man is a failure who is enjoying life.
William Feather
Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to
be alive -- the risk to be alive and express what we really are.
Don Miguel Ruiz
Quotes 37 – 42
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always
your choice.
Wayne Dyer
You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our
existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to
an infinity of choices.
Deepak Chopra
You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough. You can be
anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold
to that desire with singleness of purpose.
Abraham Lincoln
If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I
warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life.
Abraham H. Maslow
Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have, it
depends solely upon what you think.
Dale Carnegie
The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does
Theodore Roosevelt
Quotes 43 – 48
Self-pity gets you nowhere. One must have the adventurous daring to accept
oneself as a bundle of possibilities and undertake the most interesting game
in the world -- making the most of one's best.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr
The nearest way to glory is to strive to be what you wish to be thought to
The man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away.
Charles Schwab
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and
leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
At least three times every day take a moment and ask yourself what is really
important. Have the wisdom and the courage to build your life around your
Lee Jampolsky
Quotes 49 - 54
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something
else is the greatest accomplishment.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.
Simplicity is the key to brilliance.
Bruce Lee
There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of
Federico Fellini
Work as though you would live forever, and live as though you would die
Og Mandino
What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can
Napoleon Hill
Quotes 55 – 60
Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it.
No idleness, no delay, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what
you can do today.
Earl of Chesterfield
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some
blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit
to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about
your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not
with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to
Pope John XXIII
Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day
when you lounge around doing nothing, it's when you've had everything to do
and you've done it.
Margaret Thatcher
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Quotes 61 – 66
Everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices you've
made in the past.
Deepak Chopra
Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul,
the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.
Napoleon Hill
Successful people make money. It's not that people who make money
become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring
success to what they do.
Wayne Dyer
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more
Henry Ford
Victory belongs to the most persevering.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is
the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what
you shall at last unveil.
James Allen
Quotes 67 – 72
You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue.
Mike Murdock
He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself
is mightier still.
I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustrations were actually
laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new
level of living I now enjoy.
Anthony Robbins
If you don't risk anything, then you risk even more.
Erica Jong
It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into
action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.
Zig Ziglar
No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.
Quotes 73 – 78
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past,
not to worry about the future, nor to anticipate troubles, but to live in the
present moment wisely and earnestly.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a
miracle. The other is as if everything is.
Albert Einstein
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've
Henry David Thoreau
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can
T. S. Elliot
All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do
not dare that they are difficult.
Quotes 79 – 84
It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do
what you are afraid to do.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The best motivation is self-motivation. The guy says, “I wish someone
would come by and turn me on.” What if they don’t show up? You’ve got to
have a better plan for your life.
Jim Rohn
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are
Andre Gide
Our strength grows out of our weakness.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had
the confidence you desire to have.
Brian Tracy
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing that you think
you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Quotes 85 – 90
If a man does only what is required of him, he is a slave. If a man does more
than is required of him, he is a free man.
Chinese Proverb
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important
thing is to not stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
The better part of happiness is to wish to be what you are.
Desiderius Erasmus
The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one's destiny to
do, and then do it.
Henry Ford
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important
than any one thing.
Abraham Lincoln
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world.
Albert Einstein
Quotes 91 – 96
Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in
with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that
you had thought could never be yours.
Dale Carnegie
The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his
life by altering his attitudes of mind.
William James
Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject to solve your doubts;
for if you let it pass, the desire may never return, and you may remain in
William Wirt
What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our
thoughts, we make the world.
The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he
becomes by it.
John Ruskin
Quotes 97 – 101
A day will never be anymore than what you make of it.
Josh S. Hinds
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.
If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else. It
will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are
only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.
Bruce Lee
There are two rules for success: 1) Never tell everything you know…
Roger H. Lincoln
You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.

Hindi Sms..

Latest Collection of Cute Hindi SMS
1.Phooloan se kya dosti karte ho,
Phool to murjha jaate hain.
Aggar dosti karni hai to kaanton se karo,
Kyun ki woh chubh kar bhi yaad aatein hain.
2.Socha tha na karenge kisi se dosti,
na karenge kisi se vaada,
par kya kare dost mila itna pyara ki karna pada dosti
ka vaada
3.Samja do apni yado ko,
wo bin bulaye pas aaya karti hai,
aap to dur rehkar satate ho magar,
wo pas aakar rulaya karti hai
4.Waqt guzarta raha par sanse thami si thi,
muskura rahe the hum,
par ankho me nami si thi,
saath hamare ye jahan tha sara,
par na jaane kyu tumhari kami si thi
5.Kyu dil ke mere tukde kar diye,
kyu mere aansu ko apni muskan se baha diye,
gunah kya tha mera bus chahna tumhe,
kyu meri zindagi me tune dard bhardiye
6.Phool se pehle khusboo ko to dekho,
karne se pehle kaam ko to dekho,
kisike roop mein diwana naa bano,
surat se pehle uske dil ko to dekho
7.Movie titles related to engg students:
exams – socha na tha,
classes – kabhi kabhi,
question papers – na tum jano na hum,
copying – yaarana,
maths2 – asambhav,
maths1 – mission impossible,
environmental sciences – pyar mein kabhi kabhi,
1st semester – kuch to hai,
2nd semester – yeh kya ho raha hai,
distinction – kal ho na ho,
1st class – raju bangaya gentleman,
2nd class – dil mange more
fail – phir milenge
7.Hum wo ishq hain jo dil bankar dhadakte hai,
hum wo khushbo hain jo baho mein mahakte hain,
humse pyar na karna e-zalim hum vo dard hain jo ankho
se chalakte hain
8.School- a place where papa pays & son plays
life insurance- a contract tht keeps you poor all ur
life so tht you can die rich
nurse- a person wakes up to give you sleeping pills
marriage- a contract in which a boy loses his
bachelors degree & girl gets her masters degree
9.Apne pyar ko chupana chaha par chupa na sake,
diwane dil pe kabu hum pa na sake,
aaj itne karib se gujar gaye wo,
phir bhi unka hath hum tham na sake
10.Ikrar may shabdo ki ahmiyat nai hoti,
dil ke jazbat ki awaz nai hoti,
ankhen bayan kar deti hai dil ki dastan,
mohabbat lafzo ki mohtaz nai hoti
11.Gam ki aahat na aaye tere dar par,
pyar ke samander ka tum bhi ek kinara ho,
bhool se jo tapke teri aankhon say moti,
thame wohi jo tumhe sabse pyara ho
12.Mohabbat me sath to harpal hota he,
koi dikhne se hota he to koi dilse hota hai,
maza to sath tab aye yaro,
jab judai ka lamha mahsus hota hai
13.Be slow in choosing a friend & slower while loosing
them bcoz friendship is not an opportunity its a
sweet rsponsibility
14.If love is sweet why does it hurt,
if love is deep why does it burn,
if love is warm why do we shiver,
if love is tender why do we cry,
if love is forever why do we die
15.God picked up a flower & dipped in honey he touched
it with love n turned into u,
he then gifted it to me & said this friend is for u
16.Na chaho kisi ko itna ki chahat aapki majburi ban
chaho kisi ko itna aapka pyaar uske liye jaruri ban
17.Gham ne hasne na diya,
zamane ne rone na diya,
is uljhano ne jine na diya,
thak ke jab sitaron se panah li,
neend aayi tho aapki yaad ne sone na diya
18.Har ek se achi baat karna FITRAT hai hamari,
har ek khush rahe ye HASRAT hai hamari,
koi hum ko yaad kare ya na kare,
har ek ko yaad karna aadat hai hamari
19.Yaadon mein hum rahein ye ehsaas rakhna,
nazron se door sahi dil ke paas rakhna,
ye nahi kehte ke sath raho dur sahi par yaad rakhna
20.Fasle mita kar aapas me pyar rakhna,
dosti ka ye rishta hamesha yunhi barkarar rakhna,
bichad jaye kabhi aap se hum,
aankhon me hamesha hamara intejar rakhna
21.Hamne zindagi ki shurarat S se ki,
s se suraj, s se subah, s se swagat, s se saaz, s se
sangeet par phir s se samay ne aisi karwat badli ke
s se hamari shaadi ho gai, aur fir jeewan ka arth
saas, sasur, saala, saali, sasural or sankat ho gaya
to hamne s se sharab pi ne lage, so beaware of s
22.Zindagi mein hamesha SMART log milenge,
kahi zyada to kahi kum milenge,
choice zara sochke karna,
zaroori nahi har jagah tumhe hum jaise milenge
23.Sms karenge hum ek duje ko bari bari,
hame lagti hai ye rasam badi pyari,
ye sms milte hi ek sms bhej dena,
kyunki hame bilkul pasand nahi udhari
24.Kisi na kisi pe kisi ko aetbar ho jata hai,
ajnabi koi shaks yaar ho jata hai,
khubiyo se nahi hoti mohabbat bhi sadaa,
khamiyo se bhi aksar pyaar ho jata hai
25.Khuda se thoda rahem kharid lete,
aap ke zakhmo ka marhar kharid lete,
agar kahin kabhi bikti khushiyan meri,
to saari bechkar aapka har gam kharid lete
26.Sabse loving kaun: TUM,
sabse sweet kaun: TUM,
sabse cute kaun: TUM,
in sab me TUM se zyada kaun: HUM
lekin duniya me sabse acche dost kaun: HUM TUM
27.Nighahe nighago se milakar to dekho,
naye logo se rishta banakar to dekho,
hasrate dil me dabane se kya faida,
apne hoton ko hilakar to dekho,
asmaan simat jayega tumhare agosh me,
chahat ki bahen failakar to dekho
28.Frindship opens many doors each with a different
view but none could be more beautiful view
than the door that leads to u
29.Tum kya jano kya hai tanhai is tute hue patte se
pucho kya hai judai,
yu bewafa ka ilzam na de zalim,
is waqt se puch kis waqt teri yaad na aayi
Chaddar ki KAMEEZ,
Lohe ka PAIJAMA,
Bandar tera MAMA,
Billi teri MAUSI,
Kutte mera YAAR,
Miss u mere YAAR
31.Aap ka ashiyana dil mein basaya hai,
apki yado ko sine se lagaya hai,
pata nahi yaad apki hi kyo aati hai,
dost to hamne auro ko bhi banaya hai
32.Make a heart which never breaks,
make a smile which never hurts,
make a touch which never pains,
make a friendship which never ends
33.Dosti gazal hai gane ke liye,
dosti nagma hai sunane ke liye,
ye wo jazba hai jo sabko nahi milta,
kyonki aap jaisa chahiye nibhane ke liye
34.Zindagi hai nadan isiliye chup hoon,
dard hi dard subah shaam isiliye chup hoon,
keh du zamane se dastan apni,
usme aayega tera naam isiliye chup hoon
35.Hoth keh nahi sakte jo fasana dil ka,
shayad nazron se vo baat ho jaye,
is ummid se karte hain intezar raat ka,
ke shayad sapne me mulakat ho jaye
36.Sehmi si nigaho mein khwab hum jaga denge,
sooni in raho pe phool hum khila denge,
humare sang muskura ke to dekhiye,
hum aapke har gum bhula denge
37.Kaise kehde ki unse milne ki chahat nahi,
bekarar dil ko ab bhi rahat nahi,
bhula dete unhe bhi magar kya kare dost,
kisi ko bhulane ki is dil ko aadat nahi
38.Mana aaj unhe hamara koi khayal nahi,
jawab dene ko hum razi he par koi sawal nahi,
pucho unke dil se kya hum unke yaar nahi,
kya hamse milne ko wo bekarar nahi
39.Bolti hai dosti chup rehta hai pyar,
hasati hai dosti rulaata hai pyar,
milati hai dosti judaa karta hai pyar,
phir bhi kyun dosti chodkar log karte hai pyar
40.Aap to manzil ko mushkil samajte he hum aap ko
manzil samajte he,
bada fark he apke or hamare nazariye me
aap hume sapna or hum aap ko apna samajte hai
41.Wife: kaash main newspaper hoti dinbhar tumhare
hathon me rehti
Hus: meri bhi yahi dua hai rab se issi bahane her din
nayi nayi to milti
42.Leke hum dusro ki hasi kya kare,
jo apni nahi wo khushi kya kare,
tanha jine se behatar hai mar jaye hum,
jab saath tum nahi to zindagi jikar kya kare
43.Phool bankar muskurana zindagi hai,
muskurake gum bhulana zindagi hai,
milkar log khush hote hai to kya hua,
bina mile dosti nibhana bhi zindagi hai
44.Happy moments praise allah,
difficult moments seek allah,
quiet moments worship allah,
painful moments trust allah,
every moments thank allah
45.Ae khuda dua ye meri khali na jaye ke mere dost ki
palkon main kabhi aansu na aaye,
aansu nikle to khushi ke nikle gum ke aansu mere hisse
me aa jaye
46.Tumhari yaadon ki mehek in hawaon mein hai,
pyar hi pyar hi bikhra in fizao mein hai,
aisa na ho ki duriya dard ban jaye,
ab to aapke msg ka intezaar niaghon mein hai
47.Mohabbat ko mohabbat ka ishara yaad rehata hai,
har pyar ko apna pyar yaad rehta hai,
wo pal jo yaar ki baho me guzarta hai,
maut tak vo nazara yaad rehta hai
48.Panchi keh rahe hai ki hum chaman chod denge,
aur sitare keh rahe hai ki hum gagan chod denge,
agar tere ishq mein mai mar bhi jau ae sanam,
tum dilse pukar lena hum kafan chod denge
49.Aansu aa jate hain aankhon mein,
par labon pe hasi lani padti hai,
yeh mohabbat bhi kya cheez hai yaaro,
jisse karte ho usi se chupani padti hai
50.Kyun kisi ki khamoshi mujhe khamosh kar jaati hai,
kyun uski udaasi muje udaas kar jaati hai,
kya rishta hai uska mera jo mujhe uski yaad har pal aa
jaati hai
51.Jab koi khayal dilse takarata hai dil na chahkar
bhi khamosh reh jata hai,
koi sab kuch kehkar pyar jatata hai toh koi kuch na
kehkar bhi pyar nibhata hai
52.Reth pe likhna to adat hai hamari isiliye toh sagar
se dushmani hai hamari,
chahe wo lakh bar apka nam mitaye, apko bhulana taqdir
nahi hamari
53.Lamhe ye sunhere kal sath ho na ho,
kal me aaj jaisi baat ho na ho,
yaadon ke hasin lamhe dil me rehenge,
tamaam umar chahe mulaqat ho na ho
54.Mere alfazon ko juth mat samajna,
yaad aati hai bahut jaldi milne ki dua karna,
ji raha tha tumhare naam par mar jau toh bewafa mat
55.Lehar ati hai kinare se palat jati hai,
yad ati hai dil me simat jati hai,
faraq itna hai ki lehar bewaqt ati hai,
aur aap ki yaad har waqt ati hai
56.Rab se aapki khushi mangte hain,
duaon me aapki hansi mangte hain,
sochte hain kya mangen aapse chalo aapki umar bhar ki
dosti mangte hain
57.Nazre na hoti to nazara na hota,
duniya main hasino ka guzara na hota,
hamse yeh mat kaho ke dil lagana chhod de,
jaake khuda se kaho hasino ko banana chhod de
58.Best day aaj, best gift zindagi,
best eahsaas khushi,
best feeling pyar,
best relationship dosti,
best person hum,
best friend tum hum tum
59.Wo laut aayega teri zindagi mein,
jiska intzaar tujhe aaj bhi hai,
maana waqt ne ki hai bewafai tujhse lekin meri duaon
me asar aaj bhi hai
60.Ruthne ka haq aap rakhte hai manane ki chahat hum
rakhte hai,
aapke hoton pe muskurahat yu hi bani rahe yehi dua rab
se hum roz karte hai
61.Kiss is not like nokia just connecting people,
not like nike just do it,
not like pepsi yeh dil mange more,
but kiss is like lays no one can eat just one
62.Kaash dil ki awaaz me itna asar ho jaye ki hum jise
yaad kare use khabar ho jaye
rab se yahi dua hai meri ki aap jise chahe woh aap ka
humsafar ho jaye
63.Heart is like a crystal preserve it,
love is like a perfume spread it,
feelings are like flood flow it,
friendship is like umbrella come lets share it
64.Kafi hai husn dil ko behlane ke liye,
mohabbat karlo dil ko dukhane ke liye,
chahe bhale pade gam se vasta,
ek hum jaisa dost rakhna sab gamo ko bhulane ke liye
65.Anjane me hum apna dil gawa baithe is pyar me kaisa
dhoka kar baithe
unse kya gila kare bhool hamari hi hai jo bina dil
walon se dil laga baithe
66.Har khushi dil ke karib nahi hoti,
zindagi gamo se dur nahi hoti,
ae dost is dosti ko sanjokar rakhna,
aisi dosti har kisi ko nasib nahi hoti
67.Hum mitti ka aashiyana banate gaye,
bana bana kar unhe mitate gaye,
hume koi na apna bana saka,
hum har kisi ko apna banate gaye
68.Days r too busy,
hours r too fast,
sec r too few,
but there’s always time for me to remember a nice
friend like u
69.Kaun hai jo manzil se door nahin,
kaun hai jo zindagi se majboor nahin,
gunaah to sabhi karte hain,
humari nazar mein to khuda bhi bekasoor nahin
70.Kab unki palkon se izhaar hoga,
dil ke kisi kone mein hamare liye pyar hoga,
guzar rahi hai raat unki yaad mein,
kabhi to unko bhi hamara intezar hoga
71.Nazroo se jab nazar ka takrar hota hai,
har mod par kissi ka intezaar hota hai,
dil rota hai zakham haste hai,
isi ka naam to pyaar hota hai
72.Unhone dekha aur aansu gir pade,
bhari basant mein jaise phool bikhar pade,
dukh woh nahin ki unhone hume alvida kaha,
dukh to ye he ki uske bad wo khud ro pade
73.Mana ye waqt hame yaad karne wala nahi,
par bewaqt he yaad karliya karo,
mana aapke aspas sari duniya hai,
kabhi hamari kamika bhi ehsas karliya karo
74.Nashili aankho se wo jab hamein dekhte hain,
hum ghabraakar ankhen jhuka leite hain,
kaun milaye unn ankhon se ankhen,
suna hai wo ankho se apna bana leite hai
75.Chandni raat main jab sara jahan sota hai kisi ki
yaad main koi badnaseeb rota hai,
khuda kisi ko pyar pe fida na kare aur kare to juda
76.Har pal muskurana zindagi hai,
muskurakar gam bhulana zindagi hai,
jeet kar muskurana bhi kya muskurana hai,
haar kar muskurana zindagi hai
77.Hum nibhayenge dosti marte dum tak,
hum hasayenge tumko gham se khushi tak,
aye dost kabhi humse naraz na hona,
saath rehna hamare akhiri dum tak
78.A child uses its thumb 2 chew,
an illiterate uses his thumb 2 sign,
a winner uses his thumb 2 show victory,
but a monkey is using his thumb 2 read this sms
79.Jab se tumhe jana hai,
jab se tumhe paaya hai,
har dua mein tera naam aaya hai,
taaki poochhu rab se ki yeh kaisa namoona banaya hai
80.Ret pe naam kabhi likhte nahi,
ret pe naam kabhi tikte nahi,
log kehte hai ki hum patthar dil hain,
lekin pattharo pe likhe naam kabhi mit te nahin
81.How can u tell the rain not 2 fall when clouds
how can u tell the leaves not 2 fall when the wind
how can u tell me not 2 miss when u exists
82.Aankhon me rahne walo ko yaad nahi karte,
dil me rehne walo ki baat nahi karte,
hamari to ruh me bus gaye hain aap,
tabhi to hum milne ki fariyaad nahi karte
83.Every tear is a sign of brokenness,
every silence is sign of lonliness,
every smile is sign of kindness,
every sms is sign of remembrance
84.To walk is easy but 2 walk alone is tough,
being missed by someone is nice but missing someone is
being loved is secure but to love is insecure
85.Some people have nice eyes,
some people have nice smiles,
others have nice faces, but u have all of them with a
nice heart
86.Phool bankar muskurana zindagi hai,
muskurake gum bhulana zindagi hai,
milkar log khush hote hai to kya hua,
bina mile dosti nibhana bhi zindagi hai
87.Tujse dosti karne ka hisab na aya,
mere kisi bhi sawal ka jawab na aya,
hum to jagte rahe tere hi khayalo me,
aur tujhe so kar bhi hamara khawab na aya
88.These are some of the romantic countries in the
holland: hope our love lasts & never dies,
italy: i trust & love u,
libya: love is beautiful & u also,
france: friendship remains & never comes to an end
89.Jakham aisa diya ki koi dawa kaam na aayi,
aag aise lagayi ki paani se bhi bhuj na payi,
aaj bhi rote hai unki yaad main,
jinhe hamari yaad hamare guzar jane par bhi na aayi
90.Bhool jane ka hounsla na hua,
door rah kar bhi wo juda na hua,
unse mil kar kisi aur se kya milte,
koi dusra unke jaisa na hua
91.Laughter is the jam on the toast of life,
it adds flavour keeps it from being too dry & makes it
easier to swallow lifes sorrows
92.Kaanch chube to nishan reh jaata hai,
dil tute to armaan reh jaata hai,
laga to deta hai waqt marham is dil par,
phir bhi umra bhar ek zakhm reh jata hai
93.Log phoolon se mohabbat karte hai,
kaaton ko kisne yaad kiya,
hum kaaton se mohabbat karte hai,
kyunki phool ne hume barbaad kiya
94.Hum agar aapse mil nahi pate aisa nahin ke hamein
aap yaad nahi aate,
mana jahan ke sab rishte nibhaye nahi jate,
par jo bas jate hai dil me phir bhulae nahi jate
95.Nazar nawaz najaro me ji nahi lagta,
fiza gai to baharo me ji nahi lagta,
na puchh mujse tere gum me kya gujarti hai,
yahi kahunga hazaron me ji nahi lagta
96.Never search ur happiness in others which will make
u feel alone,
but search it in urself u will feel happy even if u
are left alone
97.Kafi hai husn ko behlane ke liye,
mohabbat karlo dil ko dukhane ke liye,
chahe bhale pade gam se vasta,
ek hum jaisa dost rakhna sab gamo ko bhulane ke liye
98.Fiza par asar hawaon ka hota hai,
mohabbat par asar adaon ka hota hai,
koi aisa hi kisi ka diwana nahi hota,
kuch kasoor to nigahon ka hota hai
99.Pyar ke ujalo me gum ka andhera kyu aata hai,
jisko hum chahte hai wohi kyu rulata hai,
mere khuda agar wo mera naseeb nahi to aise logon se
kyu milata hai
100.Waqt guzrega hum bikhar jayenge,
kaun jane ke hum kidhar jayenge,
hum apki parchayi hain yaad rakhna,
jahan tanhai mili wahan hum nazar ayenge
SMS in Hindi
Palak Jhuka Kar Salam Karte Hai,
Is Dil Ki Dua Apke Naam Karte Hai,
Kabool Ho To Muskura Dena
Aapki 1 Muskurahat Par Ye Jaan Kurban Karte Hai !!
Zindgi Ek Chahat Ka Silsila Hai,
Koi Mil Jata Hai,Koi Bichad Jata Hai,
Jise Mangte Hai Hum Apni Duao Me,
Vo Kisi Aur Ko Bina Mange Mil Jata Hai !!
Wo To Pani Ki Bund He Jo Ankho Se Bah Jaye,
Aansu To Wo He Jo Tadap Ke Ankho Me Hi Rehjaye,
Wo Pyar Kya Jo Lafzo Me Byan Ho,
Pyaar To Wo Hai Jo Ankho Me Nazar Aye.. !!
Behate Ansu Ki Kabhi Juban Nahi Hoti.
Labzo Pe Mahobbat Bayan Nahi Hoti.
Agar Mile Kisi Ka Pyaar To Kadar Kijiyega.
Kyo Ki Kismat Har Kisi Pe Maherban Nahi Hoti !!
Kasam Se Tujhe Kabhi Bhula Na Payenge
Hum Mar Jayenge Lekin Tujhe Rula Na Payenge
Humne Rakha Hai Dil Ki Us Jagah Pe
Tujhe Kab Kisi Or Ko Vaha Bitha Na Payenge Hum !!
Kismat Pe Na Chalta Hai Zor Kisika,
Dekha Uske Haath Mein Haath Kisika,
Bas Wo Rahe Khush Hamesha
Chahe Ho Uske Pass Saath Aur Kisika !!
Mujhe Tumse Mohabbat Ho Gayi Hai
Yeh Duniya Khoobsoorat Ho Gayi Hai
Khuda Se Roz Tumko Mangta Hoon
Meri Chahat Ibadat Ho Gayi Hai..!!
Chalta Tha Kabi Hath Mera Tham Kar
Jis Par Karta Hai Bahut Yaad Wo Rasta
Use Kahna Umeed Wo Rakhe Na Kisi Or Se
Har Shakhs Mohabat Nahi Karta Use Kehna !!
Meri Yahi Chahat Tha Ki Tum Hamari Zindagi Mein Aao
Lekin Yeh Ho Na Saka Aur Ab Hum Apni Takdeer Pe Rote Hai
Neend To Nahi Aati Hai Rato Ko Lekin Phir Bhi
Kabhi Khuabo Mein Aao Isi Ummeed Se Sote Hai !!
Lamha-Lamha Aapke Hotho Par Muskan Rahe
Har Gum Se Aap Anjan Rahe Jiske Sath Mahek
Uthe Aapki Zindgi Hamesha Aapke Pas Wahi Insaan Rahe !!
Hum Aapki Dosti Ko Salam Karte Hai
Iska Har 1 Lafz Aapke Naam Karte Hai
Aaj Aap Mango Khuda Se Jo Aap Chaho,
Kyonki Hum Aaj Ki Har Mannat Aapke Naam Karte Hai. !!
Na Chupana Koi Baat Dil Main Ho Agar,
Rakhna Thorra Bharosa Hum Par,
Hum Nibhaye Ge Dosti Ka Rishta Iss Qadar,
Ke Bhulane Par Bhi Na Bhula Pao Ge Zindagi Bhar !!
Ye Mana Ki Bade Hi Badnaam Hai Hum,
Kar Jate Hai Shrarat Kyoki Insan Hai Hum,
Lagaya Na Kariye Humari Bato Ko Dil Se,
Aapko To Pata Hai Kitne Nadan Hai Hum !!
Sms To Ek Bahana Hai,
Irada To Aapka Ek Lamhe Churana Hai,
Aap Chahe Humse Baat Karo Na Karo ,
Phir Bhi Aapki Yadoon Mein Hamara Aana Jana Hai.!!
Bina Dard Ke Ansu Bahaye Nahi Jate,
Bina Pyar Ke Rishte Nibhaye Nahi Jate,
Ae Dost Ek Baat Yaad Rakhna
Bina Dil Diye, Dil Paye Nahi Jata !!
Ae Khuda Apne Chand Pe Itna Gurur Na Kar,
Ek Chand Sa Dost Hum Bhi Rakhte Hai,
Jab Tariff Hoti Hai Teri Chand Ki,
Log Misal Mere Dost Ki Dete Hai!
Dosti Se Badi Koi Jagir Nahi Hoti,
Isse Acchi Koi Tasvir Nahi Hoti,
Ek Najuk Pyar Ka Dhaga Hai,
Fir Bhi Isse Pakki Koi Janjeer Nahi Hoti
Aap Ko Bhul Jane Ka Hosla Na Hua,
Dur Rehkar B Dil Juda Na Hua,
Aapse Milkar Kisi Se Kya Milte,
Koi Aap Jaisa Doosra Na Hua….
Tanhai Ka Ye Aalam He..Rone Ko Dil Karta He..
Rokar Thak Jaate He..To Marne Ko Dil Karta He…
Lekin Mare Bhi To Kaise…
Koi He Jiske Liye Jine Ko Dil Karta He..!!
Hum Agar Aap Se Mil Nahi Pate,
Aisa Nahi Ke Aap Hume Yaad Nahi Aate,
Maana Ki Sub Rishte Nibhaye Nahi Jate.
Par Jo Bas Jate He Dil Me.Wo Phir Bhulaye Nai Jate !!
Lafz Na Nikle Phir Bhi Awaaz H0ti Hai,
Kuch Lamh0 Ki Baat Bahut Khaas H0ti Hai,
Aap Chahe Maane Ya Na Maane,
Lekin Aap Ki Yaad Hamesha Dil Ke “Pass” Hoti Hai !!
Dil Ki Kitab Ka Panna Chura Le Gaya Koi….,
Dhadkan Dil Ki Chura Le Gaya Koi…,
Hum To Raja The Dil Ke…,
Ek Nazrana De Ke Gulam Hame Bana Gaya Koi…!!
Waqt Mile To Hame Yaad Kar Lena,
Pal Pal Na Sahi Din Me Ek Baar Kar Lena,
Mana Ki Rishte Honge Aap Ke Hazaar,
Par Hamare Liye Ek Pal Barbaad Kar Lena !!
Sapno Ka Gharounda Tuta Hai Koi,
Apna Hum Se Rutha Hai Koi,
Hamari Wafa Ko Bewafai Keh Gaye Wo,
Hum Dete Rahe Duhai Aur Muskurate Reh Gaye Wo !!
Masti-Pal Doh Pal Ki Yeh Saanse Hain,
Ushi Aankhon Ki Chamak Ke Pyase Hain.
Aa Jao Kahin Se Bhi Humdum,
Hal Ki Si Jhalak Ke Pyase Hain Hum !!
Milna Tha Itefak Bichadna Nasib Tha,
Wo Itni Dur Ho Gayi Jishe Hona Karib Tha.
Hum Usko Dekhne Ko Taraste Hi Reh Gaye,
Jiski Hatheli Me Likha Humara Nasib Tha !!
Rishte Banane Ke Liye Bas Ek Pal Chahiye,
Par Ushe Nibhane Ke Liye Dil Chahiye,
Khelta To Sagar Bhi Hai Lehro Se,
Par Ushe Thaamne Ke Liye Bhi Saahil Chahiye !!

Koi dikha ke roe,koi chupake roe,
hame rulane wale hame rulake roe,
marane ka maja to tab hai yaro jab,
kaatil bhi janaaje pe aake roe.
Tej dhadakan ko sun ke bhi
tumhe pyaar ki khabar nahi hoti,
kya mehasus karogi tum dil ka dard,
dil ke tutane ki to aawaaj bhi nahi hoti.
Khud kee mahobbat fanah kaun karega,
sabhi nek ban gaye to gunah kaun karega,
e khuda sanam bevafa ko bachaye rakhana,
varana hamaari maut ki duwa kaun kareg?
Shama jalati hai parawane chale aate hai,
Sar ke bal ishq ke diwane chale aate hai,
ab to aa jao meri jaan,ke janaja uthane ko hai,
log to gairo ko bhi dafanane chale aate hai.
Koi achchi si saja do mujako,
Chalo aisaa karo bhula do mujako,
tumase beechadu to maut aa jaae,
dil ki geharaiyo se duwa do mujako.

Mana ke bhool jana aapki fitrat sahi,
Magar hamain bhol jana aapki kismat mein nahi,
Agar yaqeen na ho to aazma ke dekh lena,
Khudhi ko bhool jaoge hume nahi..
Woh kaunsa lamha tha jo gujar gaya
Ek lamha kya gujra, ek zamana gujar gaya
Zindagi toh khatm ho gayi, lekin maut na aayi
Ek pal mein hi mera fasana gujar gaya
Mere angan mein lagay phool gawahi dein
Maine arsay sey kisi phool ko dekha bhi nahin
Tujh ko socha hai to phir tujh ko hi socha hai
Terey siwa ……..kisi aur ko socha bhi nahin
Karoge yaad ek din ..iss pyaar ke zamane ko..
Chale jayenge jab hum kabhi naa wapas aane ko ..
hoga mehfil mein jab koi zikr hamara..
toh aap bhi dhondoge tanhai aansu bahane ko !!
Kisi ke waado par zindagi tabah kar baithe
Diwangi mein yeh kaisa gunah kar baithe..
Ek chand ki aarzu k liye hum,
apni haseen raato ko Fanah kar baithe !!
Mohabbaton ki saza bemisal di usney,
Udas rehne ki aadat daal di usney…..
Mere wajood pe jab itne Zakham dekh chuka woh…..
phir jaan boojh ke kaanton ki shaal dal di usney !!!

Jindagee wafa se nibhaani chaahiye,
Ki jo dosti to dil se nibhaani chaahiye,
Waqt aane pe dosti ke liye,
Jaan bhi gawaani pade to gawa deni chaahiye.
Jindagi me ek pal sukoon na paya,
Duniya ki is bheed me khud ko tanha paya,
Tere diye jakhmo ko pyaar samajhate rahe
Tere isi bhoolawe ke piche aur kisi se dil na lagaya.
Jindagee jakhmo se bhari hai,
Waqt ko malham banana sikho,
Haarna to hai maut ke saamne,
Filhaal jindagee se jitna sikhlo.
Jindagee me kuch na mila hamko,
To kya gam hai aapka SMS mila ye kya kam hai?
Aapke mobile me ek choti si jagah jo
Paalu to wo jagah TajMahal se kya kam hai?
Na mandir, na bhagawaan, na puja na snaan,
Har roj subah hota hai hamara sabse pehale kaam…
Ek pyara sa SMS hamaare pyaare se dost ke naam.
Har din dua karte hai,
Mere dost ki subah din khushabu se mehak jaaye,
Aur us mehak ke ehasaas se hamara
Din bhi gujar jaaye :)
Chandni raat hai, taaro ki baaraat hai,
Kitne khushnaseeb hai wo
Jo is haseen pal me
Aapke saath hai.
Jab tum haste ho to lagta hai ki
Insaan pehle bandar tha, dekho gussa mat hona kyonki,
Jab tum gussa hote ho to lagta hai,
Ki insaan aaj bhi bandar hai.
Ye dil pyaar ke kaabil na raha,
Koi bhi intajaar ke kaabil na raha,
Is dilme bas gayi dosti aapki
Ab to chaand bhi deedaar ke kaabil na raha.
Yaado se dil bharta nahi,
Dil se yaade nikalti nahi,
Ye kaisi majboori hai ki aapko
Yaad kare bina chain padta nahi.
Ye meri mohabbat ka kusoor hai,
Ki aaj wo mujhase door hai,
Had se jyada chaahta hu usako,
Ye hi meri sabse badi bhool hai.
Yu to har phool me madhuras nahi hota,
Chand bhi kabhi chandni ke paas nahi hota,
Jee chaahta hai tum se dosti kar lu,
Magar har shakhs par aitbaar nahi hota.
Yaaro ye duniyaa hai bedardo ki,
Yaha har raaz chupana padta hai,
Dil me hai laakho jakham,
Phir bhi mehafil me to muskurana padta hai.
Phoolo ne amrit ka jaam bheja hai,
Taaro ne gagan se salaam bheja hai,
Har khushi mubarak ho aapko,
Hamne sachche dil se ye paigaam bheja hai.
Sunhari dhoop barsaat ke baad,
Thodi hasi harbaat ke baad,
Usi tarah ho aapko mubaarak nayi
Subah kal raat ke baad.
Har subah naye dhoond laati hai,
Har phool se khushabu aati hai,
Jitna na chaahe na jaane kyon har subah
Aankhen khulte hi aapki yaad aa hi jaati hai.
Jindagee ek sadak hai,
Masti se chalte raho,
Aate hai utaar-chadaav,
Bas gear badalate raho.
Raah pe chalte chalte,
Poocha paao ke chhalo ne
Basti kitni door banaai hai
Dil me basne waalo ne…
Poocho na us kaagaj se,
Jis pe ham dil me beeti likhate hai,
Tanhaaiyo me beeti baate tamaam likhate hai,
Wo kalam bhi deewaani ho gayi,
jisse ham aapka naam likhte hai.
Jamaane ki har jannat aapke liye hogi,
Ye aasmaan ye jameen aapke liye hogi,
Mujhse kah bhi na paaoge uske pahle,
Mere hisse ki har khushi aapki hogi.
Kyon mujhe tu baar-baar yaad aata hai,
Kyon pal do pal ko mujhe mahka jata hai,
Naraajgi tumhaari baar-baar aane se nahi,
Balki tumhaare baar-baar jaane se hai…
Parwaah karo uski jo aapki parwaah kare,
Jindagi me jo kabhi rooswa na kare,
Jaan bankar utar jaaye uski jaan me,
Jaan aap par jo apni jaan kurbaan kar de…
Maine usase mohabbat ki,
Jindagi bhar saath nibhaane ke liye,
Usne mujhase mohabbat ki,
Ek din saath chod jaane ke liye…
Gila hame unse nahi gila un dooriyo se karte hai,
Ham unse door hi sahi,
Par pyaar to ham unki,
Dooriyo se bhi karte hai.
Kaash banaane waale ne
Dil sheeshe ka banaya hota,
Kam se kam todne waale ke haatho me
Jakhm to aaya hota…
Jaan se jyada jaan tumhe chaahte hai,
Aawaaj dekar dekho jara ham tumhe paas hi milege,
Hamaari yaad me aansu na bahana,
Nahi to ham un aansu ke sang bah jaayenge…
Tumhe har safar ka kinara milega,
Chamakta hua har sitara milega,
Aayegi chehre pe pyaari si muskaan,
Message tumhe jab hamara milega.
Dooriyo ki na aap parwaah kiya keejiye,
Dil jab bhi pukaare bula leejiye,
Ham door jyada nahi aapse,
Bas apni palko se palko ko mila liya keejiye.
Dil doob raha hai ek kinara chaahiye,
Girte huye is pyaar ko ek sahara chaahiye.
Is shaam ki tanhaai se, is dard ki gahraai se,
Ye dil kuch baat kar raha hai,
Jara samjho in fijaao ki chubhan ko,
Aaj phir tumhe koi yaad kar raha hai…
Andhera hi andhera hai kuch kaise dikhe,
Ab in aankhon ko teri soorat ka najara chaahiye…
Har waqt hotho par aapki hasi ho,
Har pal dil me aapke khushi ho,
Sitaare bhi jameen par aa kar aapko gher le,
Aisi chaand ki tarah chamakti aapki jindagee ho.
Tohafa kya aaj tumhe main yaar du,
Bachi chand khushiya bhi tumpe apni waar du,
Maangi thi jo us khuda se tumhaare liye,
Un sabhi duaao ka tujhe main upahaar du…
Jameen ki mitti bhi dekh na paau,
Mujhe aasmaan me itane sitaare na do,
Jameen par pair rakhkar akele chal na paau,
Mujhe kadam-kadam par itna sahara na do…
Hamari mahafil ko fasana mil gaya,
Hamari gajlo ko afsana mil gaya,
Aapka pyaar aisa mila jaise,
Khuda ki taraf se koi najrana mil gaya.
Dil ke rishte ka koi naam nahi hota,
Mana ki iska kuch anjaam nahi hota,
Agar nibhaane ki chaahat ho dono taraf to,
Tamaam umra koi rishta nakaam nahi hota.
Mana ye waqt hame yaad karne wala nahi,
Par bewaqt hame yaad kar liya karo,
Mana aapke aas-paas saari duniyaa hai,
Magar kabhi hamaari kami ka bhi ehsaas kar liya karo.
Khuda se jab bhi milate hai,
Yahi fariyaad karte hai,
Khuda unhe khush rakhna,
Jo hame yaad karte hai.
Jindagi kisi ki amaanat nahi hoti,
Amaanat me kabhi kayaamat nahi hoti,
Dil ko sambhaal kar rakhna mere dost,
Ishq ki kaid me kabhi jamaanat nahi hoti.
Har subah ki dhoondh kuch yaad dilaati hai,
Har phoolo ki khushabu ek jaadu sa jagaati hai,
Chaaho ya na chaaho, par kitna bhi,
Aap ki yaad aa hi jaati hai.
Chaand taaro ki kasam khata hu,
Main bahaaro ki kasam khata hu,
Koi aap jaisa najar nahi aaya,
Main najaro ki kasam khata hu.
Bhoolana aapko na aasaan hoga,
Jo bhoole aapko wo nadaan hoga,
Aap to baste ho dil me hamaare,
Aap hame na bhoole ye aapka ehsaas hoga.
Chaman ko chaman ki bahaaro ne luta,
Saahil ko kashti ke kinaaro ne luta,
Aap to ek hi kasam se dar gaye,
Hame to aapki kasam dekar hajaaro ne luta.
Ikaraar me shabdo ki ehamiyat nahi hoti,
Dil ke jajbaat ki aawaaj nahi hoti,
Aankhen bayaan kar deti hai dil ki daastaan,
Mohabbat lafjo ki mohataaj nahi hoti.
Bahut door hai hamaare ghar se tumhaare ghar ka kinara,
Par ham hawa ke har jhonke se pooch lete hai,
Ki kya haak hai tumhara?…
Chehre ki har muskaan ban jata hai koi,
Dil ki har dhadkan ban jata hai koi,
Phir kaise jiye jindagee uske bin,
Jab jindagee jeene ki wajah ban jata hai koi…
Takdeer ne chaha, takdeer ne bataya,
Takdeer ne tumko aur hamko milaya,
Khushnaseeb the ham ya wo pal,
Jab tum sa anmol saathi is jindagee me aaya.
Lamhe ye suhaane ho na ho,
Kal me aaj jaisi koi baat ho na ho,
Aapka pyaar hamesha is dil me rahega,
Chaahe poori umra mulakaat ho na ho…
Tamanna kare aap jin bahaaro ki,
Wo bahaar aapke kadmo me ho,
Khuda aapko wo hakeekat me de,
Jo socha aapne kabhi sapno me ho…
Kisi ke dil basna bura nahi,
Kisi ko dil me basana khata to nahi,
Gunaah ho ye jamaane ki najar me to kya hua,
Jamaane waale khuda to nahi.
Neha Shah

Lamhe judai ke bekarar karte hain
haalat mere mujhe laachar karte hain
aankhe meri pad lo kabhi
ham khud kaise kahe ki aapse pyar karte hain…
Dil ki tadap ko kaise lafjo mein bayan karoon,
Teri yaad ko kaise apne dil se juda karoon,
Dil hi dil mein tujhko apna bana liya maine,
Tujh bin guzara kaise main mere meherba karoon…
Haal dekh kar mera khuda bhi tadap jayega,
Jab bhi hogi bewaffai ki baat nujhe bhi koi bhoola yaad aayega,
Are apno ne kya kami rakhi jo ab koi anjan sitam dhayega,
Mat chu palkon ko Hai itna dard isme ke tera daaman bheeg jayega.
Kabhi kabhi in ankhon me nami si hoti hai.
Kabhi kabhi in hoton pe hasi si hoti hai.
E dost wo tum hi ho, jis se meri jindagi zinda dil hoti hai.

Kitna bhi chaho na bhol paoge,
Kitna bhi chaho na bhol paoge,
Hum se jitna dur jao nazdik pao ge,
Humein mita sakte ho to mita do,
Yaadein meri, magar…
Kya sapno se juda kar pao ge humein.
Honth keh nahi sakte jo fasana dil ka,
Shayad nazar se woh baat ho jaye.
Is umeed mein karte hain intezaar raat ka,
ke shayad sapne mein mulaqat ho jaye.
Humse door jayoge kaise,
Dil se hume bhulayoge kaise,
Hum to vo khusboo hain jo aapki
Saanso mein baste hain,
Khud ki saanso ko rok payoge kaise
Har pal ne kaha ek pal se,
Pal bhar ke liye aap mere samne aa jao,
Pal bhar ka saath kuch aisa ho,
Ki har pal tum hi yaad aao…
Pyar karoge to dil tootega,
na karo to daman chootega.
Apan banawoge to rona parega,
paas awoge to khona parega.
Wife ko Begum kyon kehte hain?
Kyonki shaadi ke baad saare gum to husband ke hisse mein aate hain or wife Be-Gum ho jaat hai.
Sadham meets kajol n asks her ” how is ur life ?” kajol says ” Kabie khushi kabie gham!” n kajol asks Sadham ” how about u? ” n he says ” kabie BUSH kabie BOMB”!!!!!!!
Khush to bahut honge ki hamara sms aa gya ,par hum bhi bahut chalaak hain humne likha kuch bhi nahin hai…….